Explore Confident Leadership Coaching

Your Leadership Journey is a Train Wreck, and That's Perfectly Fine

leadership time for a new direction

If you're reading this, it's no coincidence.

It's a sign that you're deeply invested in your leadership journey, a path that's as rewarding as it is challenging.

As leaders, we often envision our leadership career path as a well-defined roadmap, expecting a smooth ride to success.

But let's be honest: more often than not, our leadership journey feels less like a serene cruise and more like a train chugging along a track that's being laid down in real-time – unpredictable, sometimes chaotic, and yes, occasionally a complete train wreck.

But here's the twist: Your leadership journey is sometimes a train wreck, and that's perfectly fine.

In fact, it's more than fine; it's necessary. This journey, with all its unexpected turns and derailments, is not just about reaching a destination. It's about the insights gained, the resilience built, and the connections forged along the way. It's about embracing the Medici Effect, where diverse experiences and challenges intersect, sparking innovation and growth in ways we could never anticipate.

So, as we embark on this exploration of the leadership learning journey, remember that the fact you're here, reading these words, is a testament to your commitment to growth and learning. It's a recognition that the most profound lessons come not from the smooth stretches of track, but from the moments when everything seems off the rails.

Welcome to a journey of embracing the beautiful chaos of leadership, where every twist, turn, and 'train wreck' is a valuable part of your unique roadmap to success.


By the way, resilience is a key factor in navigating the unpredictable waves of your leadership journey. I invite you to download the Remarkable Resilience Routine, crafted to enhance your resilience as a leader.

This routine offers a concise, daily exercise aimed at fostering a resilient mindset.

By incorporating this practice into your daily routine, you'll cultivate the kind of resilience that's essential not just for weathering the storms of leadership but for thriving amidst them. Embrace this tool to bolster your ability to adapt, learn, and grow through every twist and turn of your leadership path.


The Unpredictable Nature of the Leadership Learning Journey

When we talk about the leadership learning journey, it's akin to navigating a ship through uncharted waters. Just when you think you've mastered the course, a new wave of challenges emerges, proving that leadership is anything but static. It's dynamic, often chaotic, and always evolving. This is the reality of the leadership career path – a path where certainty is a luxury and adaptability is a necessity.

Imagine your leadership journey as a vibrant tapestry woven from a myriad of experiences, each thread representing a different challenge, triumph, or lesson. This tapestry doesn't follow a predetermined pattern. Instead, it evolves organically, often in unexpected ways.

It's in these moments of unpredictability that the Medici Effect may come into play.

Just as the Medici family in Renaissance Florence brought together artists, scientists, and thinkers from diverse fields, sparking an unprecedented era of creativity and innovation, your leadership journey thrives on the intersection of diverse experiences and perspectives.



However, this unpredictability can often lead to feelings of self-doubt. It's natural to question your capabilities when the leadership roadmap takes a sudden turn. It might even feel like a train wreck! But it's crucial to remember that these feelings are not indicators of inadequacy; rather, they are signs of growth.

Every time you confront a new challenge or adapt to an unexpected change, you're not just navigating a 'train wreck'; you're actively participating in a process of learning and innovation.

The leadership learning journey is not about avoiding the storms but learning to sail in them. It's about understanding that the winds of change, though unsettling, can propel you towards new horizons of personal and professional growth.

Embracing this journey means accepting that the path to effective leadership is rarely linear and that the lessons learned in the midst of chaos are often the ones that leave the most enduring impact.

In this dynamic landscape of leadership, the key is not to seek a calm sea but to become a skilled sailor. As you continue to navigate through the unpredictable waters of leadership, remember that each wave, each challenge, is an opportunity to explore new possibilities, forge new connections, and discover uncharted territories of your potential.

Leadership Time for a New Direction: Learning from 'Train Wreck' Moments


A Shift in Perspective

There comes a moment in every leader's journey when the path ahead is obscured by the fog of uncertainty. It's a crossroads where the usual strategies and plans seem inadequate, and the way forward is anything but clear. This is the leadership time for a new direction, a pivotal point where 'train wreck' moments transform from daunting obstacles into invaluable teachers.

The Story of Maya: Embracing the Chaos

Let's take the story of Maya (not her real name, of course), a faithful long-term executive known for her strategic acumen. Maya's leadership roadmap was a testament to her meticulous planning and foresight. However, her world turned upside down when an unexpected market shift left her company's strategy in disarray. Maya found herself in the midst of a leadership 'train wreck'. The plans she had so carefully laid out were no longer viable, and the pressure to find a new direction was immense.

But it was in this chaos that Maya discovered her true strength. Instead of clinging to her old roadmap, she embraced the uncertainty. She gathered her team, acknowledging openly that the path ahead was uncharted.

Together, they brainstormed, bringing diverse perspectives to the table.

This collaborative approach led to innovative solutions that not only addressed the immediate crisis but also positioned the company for future growth.

Maya's story is a powerful illustration of how 'train wreck' moments can be transformative. It wasn't the smooth sailing but the storm that revealed Maya's capacity for adaptability and innovation. Her willingness to embrace the unknown and leverage the collective wisdom of her team turned a potential disaster into a defining moment of her leadership journey.


The Diverse Faces of Leadership 'Train Wrecks'

While Maya's story revolves around a market shift, it's important to recognize that 'train wreck' moments in leadership come in many forms.

Your moment might not stem from market turbulence but could arise from personal career upheavals like a layoff or unemployment. It might be the shock of seeing colleagues laid off around you, shaking the foundation of what you believed was a stable team environment. Or perhaps it's the jarring discovery of unethical practices in a business you had dedicated yourself to, challenging your values and forcing you to reevaluate your commitment.

Side note: All three of the situations above happened to me in just the last 6 years of my career.

Each of these scenarios, while distinct in nature, shares a common thread – they are critical junctures that demand a reassessment of your leadership roadmap and a recalibration of your direction.

These varied 'train wreck' moments, regardless of their origin, serve as catalysts for profound professional and personal growth.

They push you to question, to reevaluate, and ultimately, to emerge as a more resilient and adaptable leader. Embracing these moments, as daunting as they may be, is a crucial step in forging a leadership journey that is not only successful but also authentic and aligned with your values.


Embracing New Directions

As leaders, our response to these 'train wreck' moments can redefine our leadership journey. They compel us to look beyond the conventional, to question, and to innovate. These are the moments that test our resilience and our ability to lead through uncertainty.

They remind us that sometimes, the most effective leadership strategy is the ability to adapt and find a new direction when the old paths no longer serve us.

In your leadership journey, when faced with your own 'train wreck' moments, remember Maya's story. It's a testament to the fact that sometimes, the best way forward is to forge a new path, one that is shaped by the lessons learned in the midst of chaos and uncertainty.

Navigating the Leadership Career Path: Beyond Perfectionism

In the journey of leadership, perfectionism often appears as a tempting companion, promising success and control.

Yes, I see you out there.

Excusing your perfectionism by saying you're one of those high-quality people, that perfectionism was bred into you as a child, etc...

However you came about it, this pursuit of flawlessness is a treacherous path, laden with unrealistic expectations and undue stress. It's crucial to recognize that the quest for perfection can be a significant hindrance in a leadership career path, leading to burnout and missed opportunities for growth and connection.

As leaders, steering away from the siren call of perfectionism and towards the embrace of imperfection is a transformative process.

This shift not only liberates you from the constraints of perfectionism but also opens up a world of possibilities where mistakes are seen as stepping stones to greater understanding and success.

In this journey, the authentic leader emerges – one who is resilient, adaptable, and deeply connected with their team. This leader understands that true leadership is not about being flawless, but about being genuine, learning continuously, and inspiring others to do the same.

Practical Strategies for Your Leadership Journey

Embrace the Power of Reflection

Tip: Regularly take time to reflect on your experiences, both successes and challenges. Use these reflections to gain insights and plan future actions.

Cultivate a Growth Mindset

Tip: View challenges as opportunities for growth. Embrace learning and be open to new experiences and perspectives. The goal isn't to be a perfect leader.

Develop a Strong Support Network

Tip: Build a network of peers, mentors, and coaches. Share experiences, seek advice, and offer support to others. Use Connectional Intelligence here.

Use the Remarkable Resilience Routine

Tip: Follow the Remarkable Resilience Routine I've created specifically to build resilience. Include steps like knowing and managing your thoughts.

Prioritize Self-Care and Wellness

Tip: Make self-care a priority. Engage in activities that promote physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Hold these calendar appointments strong.

Practice Gratitude and Positivity

Tip: Tip: Maintain a gratitude journal. Regularly acknowledge and appreciate the positive aspects of your leadership journey. Writing that down makes a difference.

Turning Strategies into Action

These visual strategy cards are more than just tips; they're transformative tools designed to help you navigate the complexities of your leadership career path.

While these strategies offer a roadmap for managing the ups and downs, implementing them consistently can sometimes be challenging.

If you find yourself needing support in holding yourself accountable and making significant changes, consider scheduling an explore coaching call with me.

Together, we can explore how coaching can guide you through turbulent times, ensuring that these strategies are effectively integrated into your leadership journey.

Remember, the key to a successful leadership journey lies not just in knowledge, but in action and consistent application, building resilience and adaptability along the way.

Words straight from the heart of someone who's been there – Client Kathryn McClatchy shares her perspective:

"My problem was that I was more than a little bit overwhelmed...my own company staff, projects, marketing, taxes, all the things. Stacy got to the root of the problem quickly and efficiently. She helped me prioritize the tasks that needed to be done and in many cases offered not only solutions and sources, but mindset shifts. So I could think about managing all the moving parts with a lot more grace."


Resilience and Self-Compassion: Key Aspects of My Leadership Journey

In the tapestry of leadership, two threads stand out for their ability to strengthen and beautify the entire weave: resilience and self-compassion.

These are not just buzzwords; they are essential tools that can profoundly shape your leadership journey.

My career path didn't have those until I learned the hard way that they're absolutely necessary!

That's why I want to give you the short cut.

Resilience is often pictured as the ability to bounce back from setbacks, but it's more than that. It's about bouncing forward. It's the capacity to adapt to challenging circumstances while maintaining mental well-being.

In leadership, resilience is what allows you to navigate through tough times, learn from them, and emerge stronger.

To weave resilience into your leadership fabric, consider these practices:

  • Embrace Change as a Constant: Accept that change is an inevitable part of the leadership landscape. By expecting and planning for change, you can better adapt to it when it occurs.
  • Cultivate a Problem-Solving Mindset: When faced with challenges, focus on finding solutions rather than dwelling on the problems. This approach not only leads to better outcomes but also builds resilience.
  • Learn from Every Experience: View every situation, especially the difficult ones, as a learning opportunity. Reflect on what worked, what didn’t, and how you can apply these lessons in the future.

Fostering Self-Compassion in Your Leadership Role

Self-compassion is equally vital. It's about treating yourself with the same kindness and understanding that you would offer to others. In the demanding world of leadership, being compassionate towards yourself is not a luxury; it's a necessity.
Here’s how you can practice self-compassion in your leadership role:

  • Be Kind to Yourself in Moments of Failure: Instead of being overly critical, acknowledge that mistakes are part of the learning process. Speak to yourself as you would to a respected colleague who has stumbled.
  • Recognize Your Common Humanity: Understand that you are not alone in your struggles. Every leader faces challenges and setbacks. This perspective can help you feel more connected and less isolated in your experiences.
  • Mindfulness in Leadership: Practice mindfulness to stay present and aware. This can help you respond to situations with clarity and calmness, rather than reacting impulsively.


Integrating Resilience and Self-Compassion into Daily Leadership

Incorporating resilience and self-compassion into your leadership journey is not a one-time task but a continuous process.

It involves daily practices, regular reflection, and a commitment to personal growth. As you navigate your leadership path, remember that these qualities are not just about coping with challenges; they are about thriving amidst them.

By fostering resilience and self-compassion, you not only enhance your own well-being but also set a powerful example for those you lead.

leadership learning journey includes vulnerability

The Leadership Journey: Embracing Vulnerability

Vulnerability in leadership is a powerful tool for fostering authenticity, trust, and connection.

Recognizing when to embrace vulnerability and understanding how to do so effectively are crucial steps in enhancing your leadership journey.

Indicators That It's Time to Work on Vulnerability
  • Team Hesitation in Sharing Ideas: If you notice your team members are reluctant to contribute ideas or provide feedback, it might indicate a need for more openness from your end.
  • High Staff Turnover: A lack of vulnerability and authenticity in leadership can contribute to a workplace environment that feels rigid and unwelcoming, leading to higher turnover rates.
  • Difficulty in Receiving Feedback: If you find yourself consistently defensive or dismissive when receiving feedback, it may be a sign to work on showing more vulnerability.
  • Surface-Level Conversations: When all discussions with your team stay strictly professional or superficial, it might be time to open up and encourage deeper, more meaningful interactions.
  • Lack of Innovation: A team that's not encouraged to take risks or think outside the box may be operating in an environment where vulnerability is not valued.
Ways to Begin Incorporating Vulnerability in Leadership
  • Share Your Learning Experiences: Talk about your own challenges and what you've learned from them. This shows your team that it's okay to make mistakes and grow from them.
  • Ask for Feedback: Regularly ask for feedback from your team and show that you value and consider their input.
  • Admit When You Don't Have the Answers: Be honest when you're unsure and use it as an opportunity to collaborate with your team to find solutions.
  • Encourage Risk-Taking: Create a safe space for your team to experiment and take calculated risks, showing that it's okay to fail and learn.
  • Hold Regular Check-Ins: Have one-on-one meetings with team members where they can share their thoughts and feelings openly, beyond just work-related topics.
  • Lead by Example in Difficult Situations: Show your team how you handle challenges and setbacks, demonstrating resilience and a willingness to learn from difficult experiences.

By recognizing these indicators and taking steps to incorporate vulnerability into your leadership style, you can create a more authentic, trusting, and collaborative work environment.

This approach not only enhances your leadership journey but also empowers your team to be more open, innovative, and engaged.

The Takeaway from Your Leadership Journey's Train Wreck

As we reach the end of our exploration into the tumultuous yet enriching world of leadership, one thing stands clear: the chaotic moments, the 'train wrecks' of our leadership journey, are not just hurdles to overcome; they are invaluable milestones that shape us into the leaders we are meant to be.

These experiences, with all their unpredictability and challenges, are the crucibles in which our leadership mettle is tested and strengthened.

Embracing the chaos, learning from each twist and turn, and growing through every setback and victory, is what makes your leadership journey uniquely yours.

The path to effective leadership is not linear or smooth. It's a complex, winding road filled with learning opportunities and moments of profound insight. These 'train wreck' moments, as daunting as they may seem, are where real growth happens. They teach us resilience, adaptability, and the courage to lead authentically and vulnerably.

So, as you continue on your leadership path, remember to embrace each challenge as an opportunity to learn and grow. View every 'train wreck' not as a detour, but as an integral part of your journey, a part that adds depth, wisdom, and value to your leadership story.


Share Your Leadership Roadmap Stories

Now, I invite you to reflect on your own leadership journey. What have been your 'train wreck' moments? How have they shaped you as a leader? I encourage you to share your stories and insights. By doing so, you not only contribute to your own growth but also inspire others on their leadership paths.

Navigate the Unpredictable Waters of Your Leadership Journey: Discover Coaching with Stacy Brookman

Embracing the unpredictable nature of your leadership journey means transforming how you lead, connect, and navigate through the complexities of your role. The path to mastering this dynamic landscape can be intricate and demanding.

This is where personalized coaching comes in, offering you the guidance and support needed to chart your course confidently.

If you're keen to explore how coaching can enhance your ability to lead through uncertainty, turn 'train wreck' moments into opportunities for growth, and guide you to new professional heights, I warmly invite you to an exclusive Explore Coaching call with me. In our session, we'll delve into your leadership aspirations, the unique challenges you face, and the untapped potential within your leadership style.

During the Explore Coaching call, we'll craft a strategy that resonates with your personal leadership journey. Whether it's about building resilience, fostering adaptability, or steering through the storms of leadership with grace and effectiveness, our journey together will be tailored to provide you with the insights, tools, and support essential for a robust and impactful leadership experience.

To schedule your Explore Coaching call, simply click here to find a time that suits you. Let this be the decisive step toward mastering the art of leadership in an ever-changing environment.

Remember, exceptional leadership is a continuous journey of growth and adaptation. With the right guidance and support, you can excel in leading through the unpredictable, not just steering your team, but also crafting a culture and legacy that thrives on resilience and adaptability.

Here’s to your journey of becoming a leader who not only navigates challenges but transforms them into pathways of inspiration and growth.


Don't forget to download the Remarkable Resilience Routine as you conclude this read.

It's a specially designed tool to fortify your resilience on this ever-evolving leadership journey.

Quick and practical, this daily exercise is your ally in building a mindset resilient enough to not just endure but excel amidst the complexities of leadership.

Integrating this routine into your daily life is a step towards ensuring that every challenge becomes a stepping stone to greater success and fulfillment in your role.

About Stacy Brookman

Women leaders who want to eliminate imposter syndrome, people-pleasing, overwork, and overwhelm leverage my confident leadership coaching to clarify their power skills and confidently command their seat at the table. I’m a women's leadership coach, conference speaker, and the founder of Real Life Resilience.

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