Getting a Return on Your Investment in Yourself

Learning in organizations takes on a number of methods....Corporate training, workplace learning, development programs, microlearning, annual compliance training, employee onboarding training, situational simulations, blended learning, self-study courses, learning-on-demand, embedded learning, e-learning, learning paths, career track, leadership coaching.....
I've recently thrown out half a garage of old binders from classes and personal development courses I've taken...and forgotten. And I'd be downright ASHAMED if I added up all the "stuff" on my computer that I purchased and didn't use. Some I never even opened!
Some personal development/learning (or whatever you want to call it) is great, some of it is just meh. But you can never expect any program to make you successful. No matter how much you pay for it, or time you spend in the curriculum, none of these will make you successful.
The truth is, ROI success looks different to everyone and there is no one-size-fits-all definition of the word. That being said, all of these "learnings" can't do the work for you - it’s in your hands!
I have a wonderful mentor, and she shared this quote last week: "There is no course, mastermind or program that will create success for you without you using it to create the success that you want." Neill Williams is an amazing coach for coaches. Her quote hits home not only for her programs, but for any time, money, or effort investment in yourself.
Investing in professional development is an important part of career growth and success. Coaching, for example, is a great tool to help you reach your goals faster. Evaluating the return on investment (ROI) of your professional development is critical when making decisions about where to invest your time and money.
When looking at coaching as a potential professional development opportunity, it’s important to evaluate the ROI associated with the program or service. You should ask yourself:
- Does this program provide long-term value?
- Will it help me reach my goals faster than if I didn’t have the benefit of guidance and support from a coach?
- What will be the tangible benefits that show how much I am getting out of this investment?
These are just some of the questions you should ask yourself when considering investing in coaching services.
Once you invest in yourself, then you want to make sure you're making the most of your coaching experience. Coaching is a great way to help you reach your goals and work on personal development, but it’s important that you make the most of it in order to get the best results.
Getting ROI Inside of Your Coaching
But how do you make sure that when working with a coach, like a life or performance coach, that you're getting the most out of the experience?
Here are five tips on how to maximize success while being coached...
First and foremost, come prepared! Have a general idea of what your goals are and what areas of yourself or your life you’d like to focus on. Be ready to share any challenges or obstacles that've been holding you back from achieving those goals so that together with your coach, you can create an action plan for success. This will ensure that each session is productive and focused on moving forward towards achieving those goals.
Second, be open-minded. Some of my greatest breakthroughs have been when I relaxed my thoughts and allowed myself to be a beginner. Instead of thoughts like: "I already know this," "This won't work," "But it's different for my team/situation/self."
In fact, one time I was bored in a corporate training because "I've heard this before, blah, blah, blah..." I suddenly thought, "Hmmm...what COULD I get out of this? Is there a different angle that I can look at it?" I gamified it in my mind and allowed myself to be curious. When I did, I had a new insight that I ran with for my team.
Third, don't be afraid to ask questions! A great coach will want you to ask questions and share what's on your mind - even if it's doubt, confusion, or other emotion you think you "shouldn't" have.
It's OK not to know, even if you think you should know.
This is part of the honesty and transparency required for a trusting coaching relationship. Whatever you share will not be shared (even in generalities) outside of your coaching session. Your coaching session is ONLY for you and ONLY you and your coach will know about it.
Resist the urge to agree with your coach or go along with them just because you don't want to hurt their feelings. That people-pleasing isn't useful for you and won't help you reach your potential.
Fourth, take notes and reflect. What was the most valuable concept you learned, or takeaway, from each session? What actions do you want to practice between now and the next session? This activity will ensure you're moving forward and building on each session. Find at least one golden nugget in each session. This is where your coach can't do the work for you. A great coach holds space for you to explore new ideas and understand what's going on in your brain. That's really cool because you get to understand your own greatness is truly inside you.
Fifth, embrace the process. Anything new (whether it's the coaching process or the concepts taught) will be uncomfortable. Expect that feeling of uncomfortableness and embrace it. It means you're growing...yayy! You're raising your adversity quotient. (I have an article on adversity quotient here if you want to explore all about it).
The exciting part about you being in charge of getting the ROI out of any learning is that YOU get to decide how and when your journey toward success begins and ends.
Every step forward is an investment in yourself, something to be celebrated - regardless of whether you're still on your way up or if you've already made it to the top! Ultimately, what matters most is that you take action towards creating the life and career goals that matter most to you.
Coaching is a powerful tool that can help unlock your potential and get you where you want to be. Coaches will guide you to find what's already inside you to reach your goals, but it's ultimately up to you to put in the work and make changes in your life.
I'm always adding tools to my toolbelt. If you're up for a quick coffee to explore how coaching can help you, let's chat! Here's a link to schedule a quick get-to-know-you coffee chat.
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